Responsive. Consistent. Knowledgeable.
How We Can Help You Succeed

Small Business Services
Every day companies are doing more business on the Internet. For the small business or startup business it can be a real challenge to get your arms around what you need to successfully compete. Our small business services are specifically designed to help small or startup organizations get on-line with the most cost effective approach.

Cloud and Hosted Computing
In a highly dynamic economy, businesses are faced with a whole new set of challenges, especially with their IT infrastructure. Controlling costs while making sure you have the resources you need at your fingertips is not always easy. Additionally, as your company grows, adding IT resources to support your staff can be expensive and painful.

Network Administration and Support
Your IT systems are the backbone of your company. When your network is not performing optimally, it can be very expensive to your company, with real loss of revenue and employee productivity. Our approach to managing a network begins with two things. First, a comprehensive set of documentation that outlines all aspects of your environment. Secondly, we will configure and manage your systems in an "Industry Best Practices" configuration that is reliable and supportable.

Network Security
Network security is one of the most important aspects of network administration and support. Ensuring that your network is properly protected is something that Concentrics takes very seriously. Network Security goes beyond just protecting your network from outside attacks from the Internet but also includes ensuring users have appropriate access to data, Anti-virus and Malware protection, wireless access and remote access, to name just a few.

Regulatory Solutions
Concentrics is heavily involved in our customers' regulatory requirements, especially in the areas of Sarbanes and Oxley and HIPAA. We have a solid understanding of the IT requirements for policies and procedures regarding your IT systems and meeting your regulatory obligations. When Concentrics is working for you, everything we do is centric to the requirements of your industry's regulations.

Strategic Planning
Beyond the day-to-day operations of your business, you are constantly looking forward to new ways to deliver your products and services to your customers. We take pride in being a strategic enabling partner that will help you implement your business strategies. By understanding your business and your future plans, we design the technology platforms that you will need to make those plans become a success story. We look at all solutions from a business first perspective. Accountability for return on investment is the principal model for everything we do.
Who we've worked with